Bulk Import Excel records into Koha. How to perform a bulk import of records into Koha LMS?

Koha will not let you import excel data directly into Koha system. To do this, you will need to convert the excel file into Marc file and then import into Koha. To convert to Marc file you will require MarkEdit software which is available for download from http://marcedit.reeset.net/

To convert Excel format into .mrk format

First please make sure to save the data (library book list) in excel sheet in the format as in the file  here (Click the download the template). All the columns are necessary. Leave the column(s) blank, if the data is not relevant.

Follow the instructions below to import the Excel records into Koha

Convert the Excel format to .mrk format

First open the MarcEdit Application and Click on Delimited Text Translator
Bulk Import in Koka LMS

Now upload the Source File. The source file is the Excel file with the book records.

Bulk Import in Koka LMS

Specify the output file. DO NOT forget to save the output file as .mrk file. Click save.

Bulk Import in Koka LMS

Now, click next. Select the Delimiter Values as TAB and check the UTF-8 Encode checkbox and click next.

Bulk Import in Koka LMS

Next, we need to map the fields to recognise the fields by standard marc format. To ease the work I have created a template which you can directly use it. You may download the mapping template from here 

Next click on Load Template and upload the downloaded file

Bulk Import in Koka LMS

Bulk Import in Koka LMS

Click on finished. We have .mrk file now.

Bulk Import in Koka LMS

Convert .mrk file to .mrc
Now we’ll convert .mrk file that we have created into raw Marc format. The Marc format can be directly imported into Koha.
For this again open MarcEdit and select MARC Tools

Bulk Import in Koka LMSSelect MarcMaker from the dropdownBulk Import in Koka LMS

 Upload the .mrk file you have created earlier. Make sure you have selected .mrk as the file type.

Bulk Import in Koka LMS
 Give filename of your choice. Make sure .mrc file type is selected.

Bulk Import in Koka LMS

 Now click on Execute Button. The successful, the result should should the no. of recorded processed.

Bulk Import in Koka LMS

 Now that you have created .mrc file. Open Koha System and upload the marc file to koha database. To do that follow the steps shown below. Login as Administrator.

Go to Tools:
Bulk Import in Koka LMS

Click on Stage MARC records for imports

Bulk Import in Koka LMS
Click on browse and upload the .mrc file (purple color file).
Bulk Import in Koka LMS

Click on upload file button:

Bulk Import in Koka LMS

After selection necessary option, click on Stage for imports 

Bulk Import in Koka LMS

If  everything goes well, all the records will be staged for further processing and uploading the records into the catalog. 

Bulk Import in Koka LMS
 Now to import into catalog, Click on Manage Stage records
Bulk Import in Koka LMS
 After selection necessary options, click on Import the batch into the catalog
Bulk Import in Koka LMS

If successful, you will get a similar message as shown in the image below:
Bulk Import in Koka LMS


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