
Showing posts from 2011

Setting your server date to local time and date

I use the following command to set the date of my centos 5.5 server ntpdate

Linking Metacourse In Moodle 2.0

In this example, we'll take one course as Parent course named C11. A child course "metaC11E" and another child course  "metaC11M". Students are enrolled in the child courses. Turn Metacourses on by going to Site administration -> Plugins -> Enrolments -> Manage enrol plugins and enabled Course meta link. Created the following coures: Parent course named C11 Child course METAC11E Another Child course META C11M Enroll users into METAC11E and METAC11M. Leave Parent enrollment empty or you can enrol stuent. Go to Parent course i.e C11. Click on parent course C11. Course Administration will be enabled. Then go to  Course administration -> Users -> Enrolment methods. On that screen, add method "Course Meta link" and choose child course C11M . Repeat steps for child course C11M. If you look at participants for the parent course, you will see the users from both the child courses. If you log-in as a student from child co...

Edit size of page wrapper, Artic theme

Go to theme/arctic/style/ and edit the pagelayout.css #page-wrapper { width :97%; padding: 5px; margin : 1% auto; background-color: #fff;} where width is the width of the page(vertically) and with margin we can manage page size horizontally.

Site Policy Agrement page when users login for first time.

Upload the Site Policy File(web file, pdf, doc..etc) into the moodle folder(to avoid confussion) for e.g.  you may upload your file in /moodle/policy/ directory Now in the moodle site go the Site Administration -->Security-->Site policies Under site policies in the Site policy URL sitepolicy text box give your policy document file URL. For this example the URL for the file willl be http://www.sitename/moodle/policy/filename.doc[pdf][html] 

How to change background color of moodle 2.0 themes.?

In the theme directory, go to layout directory and edit the file named themename_style.css Give your desired background color in the following code: html {         background: #E0F2F1 ; }

Backing up and restoring mysql database in Centos 5.5

To backup and restore mysql database in Centos 5.5.   Backup : To backup a database use the following syntax                 #mysqldump -u databaseusername -p databasename > backupfilename.out Restore : To restore the database backup file to new database:                #mysql -u databaseusername -p newdatabasename < backupfilename.out Hope this is very much helpful.

How do I Compress a directory in Linux?

Using tar command you can compress a directory as follows  syntax:  tar -zcvf archive-name.tar.gz directory-name Where, -z: Compress archive using gzip program -c: Create archive -v: Verbose i.e display progress while creating archive -f: Archive File name For example, if you want to compress /home/sjamso/webfiles then the command is: # tar -zcvf mycompressfile-20-01-11.tar.gz /home/sjamso/webfiles The above command will create a compress file named mycompressfile-20-01-11.tar.gz in current directory. The compress file will contain all the file in /home , all files in /sjamso and all files in /webfiles To restore or unzip tar files: # tar -zxvf mycompressfile-20-01-11.tar.gz Where -x: Extract files

How to remove "Is this your first time here ?" in Moodle 2.0

Go to your moodle theme directory then go to style directory and open pagelayout.css   if you can't find pagelayout.css file then look for core.css add the following line to the file .signuppanel h2 { display: none} and that's it. The phrase is gone.

To change the logo of moodle 2.O themes

When you change the logo in the Moodle 2.0 themes you will not see changes. This is because you are seeing is the cache for the theme.  What you need to do is go to site page  C lick Site Administration > Appearance > Themes > Theme settings and then enable Designer Mode in the 2nd box from the top of the Theme settings page.  Save settings and go back to your VLE page, refresh the browser and you should see the your newlogo.

FLUSH privileges error after up-gradation of php

If you get following error with FLUSH privileges command after upgrading your php or  mysql   FLUSH privileges;   ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist the solution is  Solutions: Run the following command: mysql_upgrade -u your_username -p

Upgrade to PHP 5.2.X

Brought to you by the makers of Atomic Secured Linux. Secure your server now! To upgrade to PHP 5.2.x on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora: Step 1) Set up the atomic channel: wget -q -O - | sh Step 2) Upgrade to PHP 5.2.x: yum upgrade php

To block the VLE site name to appear on the header of the Foodle theme

Edit the file called header.html: Find the line and remove the highlighted part of the code. if ($home) { // This is what gets printed on the home page only ?> <?php print_container_start(true, '', 'header-home'); ?> <h1 class="headermain"> <?php echo $heading ?> </h1> And also: <?php } else if ($heading) { // This is what gets printed on any other page with a heading ?> <?php print_container_start(true, '', 'header'); ?> <h1 class="headermain"> <?php echo $heading ?> </h1> save the fine and you are done. I n moodle 2.0 themes : Find the following line in frontpage.php and general.php in layout folder. Remove the highlighted part from both the file. <h1 class="headermain">< ?php echo $heading?> </h1>.

Foodle: How to insert logo in the Header for the foodle theme.

We have to edit a css file found in the Fooodle folder viz..  social_network.css   If you  have   a logo (logo.jnpor logo.gif or logo.png) in your Foodle directory then then add the following css mark-up to   social_network.css #header, #header-home{ background-color:#3B5998   url(logo.jpg) no-repeat left top;   margin-top: 0px; height: 200px;   border:1px solid #526ea6; border-bottom:#fff 1px solid; } Save the css file and then check.